Travels and fun with Diane and Dick
Diane and Dick came to visit this past week and we had a great time together. We started Monday with a visit to Rocky Mountain National Park. Dick was the driver, and for starts we took a drive up the Old Fall River Road, up to the alpine visitor's center. The views were spectacular. The, as evening approached, we parked in Upper Beaver Meadows and walked down the road a bit. We found a large herd of elk, with a large bull in the lead. We were treated to great views and also the incredible sounds of the elk bugling back and forth. But the best part was watching a young elk chasing after a magpie. The elk was so payful, it would run after the bird, the bird would fly a bit, then the elk would go after it again. After several minutes of this, the young elk just took off running around in circles - it reminded us of when a puppy (or a little person!) has a ton of excess energy and just goes crazy for a while.
On Tuesday we drove to Manitou Springs, west of Colorado Springs, and took the cog railway to the top of Pike's Peak. It is a really steep ride on grades up to 25%. At the top it is over 14,000 feet evlevation, and we all felt a little dizzy/uneasy, especially Diane and Dick, who live just a few hundred feet above sea level. We saw a nice bighorn ram on the way up.
The next two nights we stayed at a historic cabin in Green Mountain Falls. We cooked our own meals there and played some Crokinole (Diane and Dick are now the world champions). We drove over to Cripple Creek, took a few mile hike in some beautiful aspen, and on the last day toured the Garden of the Gods.
Yesterday we relaxed on our patio and ended the nght watching the presidential debate. Diane and Dick filled us in on the status of their log home - they hope to be breaking ground in the next few weeks. So, next year at this time, Marianne and I hope to visit them and enjoy some relaxing time sitting on the porch of their new home!