Friday, October 13, 2006

Wedding Wine - phase 1

Oh boy, oh boy! Today we started both batches of the red wine for the weddings. Nathan and Karen's is called "Vieux Chateau de Roi" and is described as:

"Full-bodied, yet soft and quick to mature, this is the perennially popular French red wine blend that continues to keep them coming back with its smooth, easy charms. A Brew King specialty blending a host of grape varieties, each contributing to the layers of aroma and flavours that make this so special. Complex and full of character, yet supple and easy drinking."

The wine for Justin and Juliana is an australian Shiraz, described as:

"The grape that was made for Down Under - its hot climate perfect for bringing out the best traits in this popular grape varietal. Australian Shiraz is seductively delicious, with startlingly rich, ripe aromas that deliver right through to the full zesty finish. Amazingly, the style allows for polished tannins early, so the young wine is not rough or harsh. The aged version retains the core fruit flavours of plums, cherries and blackberries, but gains extra polish. Pair this Shiraz with flavourful meals!"

As I said, oh boy, oh boy! I hope the wine tastes as god as they sound in these descriptions. That would be a fun job - writing these.

So, here are a few pix of the process in Phase one. The juice comes in a box, with the yeast and other additivies (bentonite, oak chips, etc.) enclosed in separate packets

We ferment the wine in big buckets, and these buckets are put in a water bath in an even bigger plastic cntainer. I am adding some of the oak chips to the wine. These are to improve the flavor and character of the wine. And next Mom is adding the yeast.

Then we wheel them on their little supports to our bedroom, plug in a fish tank thermostat to keep them at about 70 degrees, and let the fermentation go for about 5-7 days. Stay tuned for more updates!


At 3:01 AM, Blogger Q Schroe said...

Yummmm! I can't wait to get back and help you guys with your brewing/vinting/(cidering?) adventures! It's going to make for some delicious times.


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