Saturday, September 09, 2006

Scottish Fun ... in Colorado!

Mom and I just got back from a great day up in Estes Park at the Longs Peak Scottish Festival. While we were there, Quentin called from Stirling, Scotland! So, even though our being at the Estes Park Scottish Festival pales by comparison, we did manage to have a lot of fun.

Nathan, Scott, Cody, and Rick all drove from Minneapolis, and Troy flew in from Hollywood. We started the day off with some coffee, smoothies, and bagels for breakfast, then there was a super parade with lots of bagpipe bands and many Scottish family clans, and even Scottish dog breeds! At the main event, we enjoyed some good music, beer, a bit of scotch, launching of bowling balls into a lake with a giant catapult, and lots of people dressed up in Scottish style, kilts and all.

Here are a few pix of the good food, good company and parade. Love you all.


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