Tuesday, June 27, 2006

California birdwatching success!

I'm at a conference in San Jose California, which of course provides a great excuse to go birding. I went out the past two mornings and saw a total of 11 new species! The most exciting new one was a California condor. They have captively bred these birds the past few years and have now reintroduced some back to new areas. I was lucky to see one of the new birds.

But my favorite sighting was a sleepy western screech owl. I got great directions on where this bird was hanging out, and I got up early and followed the directions and, voila, I found the owl. It was just hanging out, sleepily, and I got really good looks. Here's a photo from another birder.

So, now my North America list is at 527 species. Life is good....


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Nate said...

Whoa, dude, a real live condor! I can remember (National Geographic?) an article on raising them in captivity, and there was a picture of a condor puppet they would use as the "mom" to help feed the babies. And now they're back out in the wild!

... maybe I should start a North American beer list. I bet I'm in the hundreds, but I should really start counting. :)

At 5:46 AM, Blogger Q Schroe said...

That's pretty awesome! I always liked owls, I remember getting the young screech owls in the tree in our back yard and going to see borrowing owls with you on the birdathon. Good times!


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